Friday 31 December 2010

Jennifer Love Hewitt – Modification

JLH - Cowboy Hat - Credit to Original PosterGM_PENTAXFAN Original LandscapeAdobe Photoshop CS 5 - LayersJLH - Cowboy Hat - Final

Monday 27 December 2010

Coyote - Adobe Photoshop CS5 Tweaks

Created a "Depth" Channel with a BW gradient then applied a "Lens Blur" Filter to using Depth Channel as the source.

Applied a "Levels" adjustment, "Channel Mixer" adjustments of 120% and 80% with a modified form of the BW gradient.



This Adobe Photoshop tweak a combination of these two tutorials.

Photoshop Triage by Richard Harrington


"How to Pop Colour Selectively Using Channel Mixer..." by Jodi Friedman

Church - Exposure Tweaks with Adobe Photoshop CS 5

Applied Exposure Adjustments of -4 to sky and ground using Overlay blend at 44%

Applied Exposure Adjustment of -2 to church and ground using Overlay blend at 100%

Applied Levels Adjustment using Lighten Blend at 100%